
Welcome to ViewRAN

ViewRAN revolutionizes
monitoring of 4G/5G network
offering unparalleled efficiency
in detecting anomalies.

Hello There

We Are ViewRAN

With advanced geolocation capabilities and a sleek, user-friendly platform, we enable Mobile Network Operators to track their Radio Access Network like never before.
Our solution is designed to support the demands of modern telecommunications, ensuring robust performance, enhanced customer experience & operational view.

eNBs per single core
eNBs per single server
days of Call Flow history
happy Client

What We Do

We’ve got everything you need to inspect your Mobile Network

High-Resolution Network Anomalies Detection

Pinpoints network problems and anomalies within a 4G/5G mobile network with an unmatched 80m resolution visualization.

Security Anomalies Discovery Module

Detects security anomalies in the radio network, including fake base stations, IMSI catchers and DoS attacks on the air interface.

In-depth Subscriber and Radio Interface Analysis

Integrates seamlessly with the famous opensource Wireshark software for detailed behavior analysis of subscribers on the Radio interface.

Redefined Efficiency Standards

Delivers a month of Geo & Call Flow history for millions of subscribers 24/7, with an unbelievable less than a second response, utilizing a few servers only.

Comprehensive Support for Major 4G/5G HW Vendors

Fully compatible with leading network infrastructure from Huawei, Ericsson and Nokia, utilising so-called traceport logical interfaces.

Cutting-edge Technology Stack

Real-time backend powered by Elasticsearch and Golang based frontend, ensuring extremely responsive and intuitive user experience.

ViewRAN in action

We love what we do, check out our work

Area events

Dropped sessions

This view allows you to find the number of dropped session in the particular area and to discover some hotspots. You can check every event and drill-down into deep Wireshark details of any customer session.

Geolocation accuracy

GPS vs ViewRAN

Red dots - GPS by drive test. Blue dots - ViewRAN.

eNB events

Dropped sessions

The distribution of dropped sessions for a given cell as a function of distance from the antenna. Geolocated events shows you the most suspected area.

eNB events

Outgoing handovers

Outgoing handovers made by stationary terminals to surrounding base stations. You can see the real coverage of your cell and how the average signal strength & quality is distributed. You can also discover "overshooting" cells here.

Powered by Elasticsearch

Deep inspection of anomalies on the radio interface

Full Call Flow available in less than a second for every session of millions of customers, in Wireshark format for low-level analysis. Separate discovery module against security anomalies (fake eNBs/gNBs, IMSI catchers, DoS on the radio interface)

Call Trace

Customer session

The customer on the map had 36 sessions during 18 minutes of driving. Only a single one was dropped.

Our partners

ViewRAN is powered by:

ViewRAN is the perfect complement to our 5G-Apps Development solution. From now every MNO can have unlimited visibility into the mobile network from the Core to the Radio interface.

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Tomas Achaval-Palacio CEO, Wilab

It's a bit surprising when a single server is able to process data from 20,000 base stations and calculate yet the geolocation of millions of mobile subscribers. Sounds crazy, but it works!

Author image
Martin Ferreyra CTO, Wilab

ViewRAN always expects the most powerful server configurations. And it is our pleasure to provide them the hardware platform of highest speed & reliability.

Author image
Wojciech Radecki Servers Department Manager, NTT System

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01-471 POLAND

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Phone: (+48) 60220 4586